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Our Adventure Re-Imagined

Maggie & John

Most years, we leave together in January to visit our Bakhita girls in South Africa. This year is different. There was the wait for vaccinations to ensure a safe trip and for schools to reopen in South Africa.

But this year is no exception for gift giving. Thanks to everyone who donated dresses, hoodies, PJ’s, lotions, pens, and Beanie Babies making it possible to fill two large suitcases with 75 gifts for children and adults.

However, we had another change to our trip when our daughter, Eve, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer that will require an extensive surgical procedure. We decided that Maggie will stay home this year and help when needed, while John goes to South Africa by himself. Maggie will be along in spirit and on the shirt that John will wear.

Please say a prayer or two for John's safe travels and for Eve's successful surgery.


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