Gathering and Gift Giving
Over many years, we have developed the tradition of the Bakhita Gathering and Gift Giving Day. All the Bakhita girls attending St. Brendan’s along with a few graduates, the Sacred Heart Sisters, and Aunties gather as a celebration of our Bakhita family. We start with song and prayer and a remembrance of St. Josephine Bakhita.

A highlight of the day is the presentation of the beautiful gift bags that have been prepared by loving and generous USA friends. Each bag included a hoodie, T-shirt, a knit beanie hat, pens, lip gloss, bracelet, lotion, and a bit of cash to spend at the School Tuck Shop. Each girl also received, from the gift bag preparer, a personal note which made her day. They received the gifts with enthusiasm and gratitude. It turns out that the knit beanie hats scored as the number 1 hit.

Three of our girls who graduated last year came to the gathering and shared some of their experiences as they begin the process of finding a place at a university or vocational school. They, of course, also received a small gift bag with a larger envelope of money!

We all say big thanks to our amazing donors and all who prepared the gift bags!!
