Gathering and Gift Giving
Each year we gather all the current Bakhita girls who are attending St. Brendan’s, along with a few of our high school graduates. We come together as a celebration of our Bakhita family, sharing stories from past years, and laying groundwork for their future through guest speakers. We start the day with song and prayer, remembering St. Josephine Bakhita after whom our family was named.

This year Phillipine, whom we’ve known for years from the early days of Bakhita Village, agreed to come and speak to the girls. Phillipine graduated from St. Brendan’s and achieved a degree in law. After a few years, she felt her calling was in the teaching field. She’s back in school and soon will be a fine teacher. She has tremendous experience and wisdom and is very willing to share with her Bakhita sisters who have not yet started their lives after high school.
Another graduate of St. Brendan’s and former student of ours, also came to speak about the mentoring program that she has begun with our girls. Our three graduates from 2023 shared their experiences with the program. The girls pay very close attention when their older peers speak.

Of course, everyone waits in anticipation of the presentation of beautiful gift bags that have been prepared by loving and generous USA friends. This year’s gifts included a hoodie, T-shirt, socks, pens, lip gloss, bracelet, lotion, and a bit of cash for to spend at the School Tuck Shop. They were received with enthusiasm and gratitude.

After the gift bags were opened and the day was ending, we gave each girl a special and timely gift, the gift of a watch. I guess we’ll see if the watches inspire them to be on time to events or if they continue to operate on “African Time.”

It was a fun-filled day, thanks to all our amazing donors.