Appreciation and Awareness
On January 9, we held a Bakhita Charities Appreciation and Awareness Gathering at Christ The Redeemer Church. It was an opportunity for us to thank the many generous and kind friends and parishioners who have supported orphans and vulnerable children of southern Africa for more than fifteen years. The girls living at Bakhita Village have been blessed with this loving and caring support from so many people and they are deeply grateful. This year, there were 50 teens and 50 adults at the gathering and they all joined in to learn an African song and dance. Don and Ann Stone, who visited us at Bakhita Village when it first opened, shared their memories with the group as witnesses to the joy that we all share as we care for these girls. It was a wonderful and memorable event.

The Board members for Bakhita Charities all pitched in to help with the Appreciation and Awareness Gathering. They provided snacks, set-up and clean-up, and distributed empty gift bags to generous donors who will fill those bags for the girls at Bakhita Village and St. Brendan’s School. From helping with newsletters to helping with the Awareness evening, the Board members provide oversight, guidance, and practical help; we are grateful for their ongoing support.