Preparing for a Visit
As we prepare to leave for South Africa to visit and work at Bakhita Village, many of our friends are assisting in the preparation of gift bags which we will take to each of the 28 girls who call Bakhita Village home.
The girls at Bakhita Village are very resourceful; they make musical instruments out of scrap buckets and old paint cans. They play store with items that are left in trash barrels pretending to sell whatever was in the empty tin can. They are grateful for hand-me-down clothing items and will willingly wear a shirt that is much too large the first two years, then fits well the third year and continue wearing it even when it’s too small the fourth year. It will then get handed down for as long as it holds up.
That being said, when we visit Bakhita Village, we strive to take each girl a gift bag all her own with all brand new items. We will take the girls new underwear (always a big hit), a sundress, a nightgown, socks, sandals, a book and a new toy or game. All the items for each girl have to fit in a 2 ½ gallon bag for transport in a large suitcase. For this visit, we bought two large suitcases that we’ll fill with the gifts, haul to South Africa and leave with the girls. We’ll also include gifts for their housemothers and for the 6 girls who formerly lived at Bakhita Village but are now boarding students at St. Brendan’s High School.
As you can imagine, it’s quite a bit of work to plan, shop and assemble all of these gifts. Many people have come forward to help. Several friends have even taken on the task of buying for more than one girl. Others are making monetary donations toward the cost of the gifts and in support of Bakhita Village. It does take a village to help a village and we are so thankful for everyone who has helped.